Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Universe is Creative by Nature too

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Morning glories is the universe's way of wishing you "good morning, dear creatives"
On my way out to work this morning, I spotted this beautiful morning glory, twirled around the gate of the empty house next door. I wondered to myself, how come I didn't notice this before? Surely it was here all along...

I couldn't resist taking a photo of it. (And Instagram-ing it)

At the sight of the glorious flower, it reminded me of a few things in my life:
1. The memory of my old house where I grew up; where most of my creative nurturing took place
2. Memory of my mother once taught me how to make colouring out of morning glories
3. Memory of my mother and I making homemade dough for me to play (something we often did together)

These 3 things nurtured my creativity, and I give thanks to it because it was what made me special. And I am grateful for realizing this. As I have mentioned before, my creativity before this was bind by boundaries based by the ways we were taught, told and instructed to follow. But with this awakening, I became more in touch my Self, and remembering the purest form of creativity that I discovered as a child (despite certain strict parenting ways). The purest form of Creativity was discovered, explored and experienced in simple ways like drawing without restrictions, dancing to music, smelling flowers and running with the other children freely! Using paper, fabric, etc. to make stuff... so simple.

With this, I also realized that the Universe itself is Creative in Nature too, just like our selves.
The shape of a leaf, the colour of a flower, how a shadow is formed...clouds in the sky...waves in the sea... so much more.

So, don't be surprise if someone says we are ONE with the Universe; that is because we are all Creative by Nature too. Hope this will be able to inspire you today.

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